Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I arrived in Schweinfurt by train. I was in first class and it was very nice - they even brought chocolates around. Schweinfurt (pig town?) is very charming. I am housed on the base in a hotel. It is lovely I have a suite and it is very nice. I have been working on base so I haven't been able to take pictures. Can't do a photo on a base or may wind up in trouble with the MPs. There are four barracks here and they are several miles apart, in different locations in town. So I am also driving from one to another. I really enjoy the military culture and my work here. For the uninformed, there is much to do on base. Gyms, travel centers, food courts (incl. MacDonalds, Burger King, pizza, ice cream stores) bowling alley, school, boys and girls club, etc. I eat at the Dfac or in town. The fast food doesn't grab me like it does the young soldiers. I hope to post pictures later -

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